
The basic direction


The basic direction of activity of the enterprise of Co Ltd "VTT" - all spectrum of works in the field of vacuum
Technicians and technologies. The purpose of creation of firm – aspiration to fuller and qualitative approach to
working out and manufacturing of the vacuum equipment with new technological possibilities.
Experts of our enterprise have a wide experience of working out and manufacturing vacuum
the equipment of a various functional purpose. We make and put the vacuum
installations in such countries as Russia, Ukraine, the USA, Syria, Taiwan, China, Estonia, Canada, Poland, etc.
We have close industrial and scientific communications with many Russian and western
institutes and the enterprises. The stored experience of works in the field of vacuum technics has allowed
to systematise the received knowledge and to plan directions of activity of the enterprise in area
new technologies.

Now the basic directions of activity of Co Ltd "VTT" are:

- Working out and manufacturing of the vacuum equipment;

- Installations for drawing of protectively-decorative coverings;

- Installations for drawing of strengthening coverings;

- Installations for drawing of optical coverings;

- Installations for drawing nanocomposite coverings;

- Installations for drawing of coverings on semi-conductor plates;

- Installations for replacement of galvanic coverings;

- Working out of the design documentation on TP the customer;

- Modernisation of vacuum installations of the old sample;

- Working out and manufacturing vacuum pumps systems;

- Working out and manufacturing of technological sources for drawing of coverings;

- Working out and manufacturing of technological sources for clearing, dispersions and assistances;

- Working out and manufacturing of vacuum armature;

- Working out and manufacturing of power units to technological sources;

- Working out and manufacturing of control systems by vacuum installations;

- Manufacturing of vacuum furnaces;

- Repair and modernisation of vacuum furnaces;

- Working out and introduction of new technologies;

- Manufacturing of installations of elektrolitno-plasma polishing.

We offer vacuum installations as in a base complete set, and installations specially
made under demanded coverings and evaporates a product. Our problem – as much as possible to satisfy
requirements of the customer at optimum cost. Experts of Co Ltd "VTT" are always ready to mutually advantageous
to cooperation and satisfaction of any wishes of the customer.

Our contact phones:

Director Vysotsky Vasily Semenovich - +37529 6154641

Phone/fax : +3751592-4-12-90


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